Línea nacional: 01 8000 123470 / Bogotá (601) 226 7247

Mapara Crab

Bahía Solano


Mapara Lodge is in a privileged location where the majestic ocean meets the jungle. This is one of the most biodiverse destinations of Colombia. The comfortable cottages are located right on a beach and just 20 minutes from the pier at Bahía Solano. Each room overlooks the sea, has a private bathroom and a terrace with hammocks to enjoy the most spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and also complemented by delicious regional food. The lodge offers the activities to explore the impressive tropical rainforest and the majestic Ocean where whale watching is possible during the season. Also, open sea fishing, hiking or visits to waterfalls and natural pools is available. This is an experience for deep relaxation and true encounter with wild nature.

Un lugar privilegiado donde el majestuoso océano se encuentra con la selva virgen. Este es uno de los destinos más biodiversos de Colombia. Las cómodas cabañas se ubican en una playa a solo 20 minutos del muelle de Bahía Solano. Cada habitación tiene vista al mar, baño privado y terraza con hamacas para contemplar la más espectacular vista. Se puede explorar la impresionante selva húmeda tropical, navegar en el majestuoso océano para admirar ballenas en su temporada o realizar pesca deportiva, senderismo, visitas a cascadas y a piscinas naturales.

Restaurante / Restaurant Wifi Playa / Beach
Snorkel Senderismo / Trekking Náutica / Nautical
RNT: 7213

Haga su solicitud / Request availability





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